The academic, university and professional successes achieved by the students of the School Mater Salvatoris of Caracas answer to its characteristic mission: To offer a quality education that develops all the potential of each student according to its three transversal axes: individual, social and transcendent being.
As an individual being, we take care of the spiritual sense of the life of each student, avoiding any materialistic reduction. This way, we favour that all the personal wealth of our students is decidedly put at the service of the truth and the search of the good.
As a social being, the student, throughout its formation, has to acquire the basic qualities to become a useful person to the society: friendship, fidelity, preoccupation for the common good, participation, respect for the legitimate authority, capacity to assume responsibilities and search of justice and peace in a purely Christian commitment.
As a transcendent being, is essential for the integral education to instil to our students the importance of the religious dimension of the man. The personality forms in reference to Jesus Christ, Who shows the man the mystery of the own man, because the person and the society do not find their aim in themselves, but in a constant opening to the plan of God.