Mater Salvatoris is committed to quality education. Academic rigour is an essential requirement for an education that seeks excellence in all areas.
Mater Salvatoris is committed to Christian education. In an atmosphere of healthy joy, freedom and respect, the students develop their catholic faith. This makes them women of integrity, able to positively influence the society, providing the novelty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mater Salvatoris is committed to people. Once part of the School, students can rest assured that every effort will be made to help them overcome all the obstacles they will have to face and to achieve all their potential and gifts.
Mater Salvatoris is committed to culture. One of the School’s characteristics is its commitment to human education and to foster the love and appreciation to all facets of art and culture.

Mater Salvatoris is committed to friendship. In the Mater, we work the abilities necessary to live in this world making a difference: virtues, values, amiability and the art of living together. We help our girls to be happy and strengthen ties that last the whole life.